Jan 12, 2010

Chris Rock is not the only one to have a high-pressure fire hose

Vanity Fair has this amazing photo of Chris Rock holding on to a fire hose. It was taken by photographer Sam Jones in 1997.

I was amazed and impressed by the originality of this portrait. It seemed like the kind of thing a child would think to do, but a grown-up would dismiss.

A while ago I stumbled over this picture:

There was no caption, I have no idea who the photographer was or when it was taken. I can only guess that it is older than 1997. I realize that creative people are inspired by each other, and that this little discovery in now way lessens my admiration for the Chris Rock portrait by Sam Jones. Instead this picture made me curious to see if I could find more high-flying would-be firefighters.

I started searching the web, and this is what I found:

Again, there is no caption or credits, but this looks to be a fairly new photo (at least I can tell that Photoshop has been involved in removing the harness suspending the firefighter).

Sadly, this is were my quest ended. I have searched long and hard (well, not really...but you know) but I can not find any more people taking of with a high-pressure fire hose in their hands. If you know of more photos like this, please leave a comment below.

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